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What is the difference between a curved printing press and a traditional flat printing press?

2023-11-11 10:44:08

Curved surface printing machine and the traditional plane printing machine mainly in the following aspects of the difference.

First, the printing object is different. The traditional flat printing machine is mainly used for printing flat materials, such as paper, plastic film, metal sheets and so on. Curved surface printing machine can be used to print curved materials, such as bottles, cups, bottles and so on.

Second, the printing method is different. The traditional flat printing machine adopts the flat printing method, that is, the contact between the printing plate and the printing material is flat, and the printing directly applies pressure to transfer the ink to the material. Curved surface printing machine adopts circumferential printing method, by fixing the printing plate on the cylinder, so that the printing material in the circumference of the rolling contact with the printing plate, so as to realize the curved surface printing.

Third, the printing precision is different. Because the curved printing machine has a variety of shapes of printing materials, such as the neck of the bottle, the bottom of the bottle, etc., so the curved printing machine needs to have a higher adaptability to adapt to different shapes of materials for printing. The traditional plane printing machine is relatively simple, only need to adapt to the plane material can be, so the printing accuracy is relatively high.

Fourth, the degree of difficulty in operation is different. Because the curved surface printing machine needs to print curved materials, so the operation is relatively difficult. The operator needs to adjust the settings of the printing machine according to the shape of the material, and ensure that the contact between the curved material and the printing plate is even, in order to ensure the printing quality. While the traditional flat printing machine operation is relatively simple, only need to place the material and printing plate can be.

Fifth, the application areas are different. Since the curved surface printing machine is suitable for printing curved materials, it is mainly applied to the printing of curved containers such as wine bottles, cosmetic bottles and plastic cups. While the traditional flat printing machine is suitable for printing flat materials, so it is widely used in book publishing, packaging printing and other fields.

In addition, there are some special additional functions of curved surface printing machine, such as bottle neck positioning, optical correction, etc., in order to adjust for the printing needs of curved materials.

To summarize, there are significant differences between curved surface printing machines and traditional flat printing machines in terms of printing objects, printing methods, printing accuracy, operating difficulties and application areas. With the increase in demand for curved surface printing, the application of curved surface printing machine in packaging, trademarks and other fields has a bright future.


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