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How does a glass heat bending machine achieve flexible bending of glass?

2023-11-11 10:50:09

Glass hot bending machine is a kind of equipment specialized in processing glass materials, which can bend the hard glass materials flexibly after heat processing, so as to meet the shape requirements of glass in different occasions. The working principle of the glass bending machine is to make the glass reach a soft state by heating it in the process, and then bend it by external force or mold, and make it keep the required shape in the process of cooling. The following will describe in detail the process of glass heat bending machine to achieve flexible glass bending.

1. Glass heating

Glass bending machine first need to heat the glass material, so that it reaches a soft state. Heating can be realized in a variety of ways, common direct heating and indirect heating. Direct heating is to put the glass in the heating furnace, through conduction and convection heat transfer way to make it heated. Indirect heating is done by placing a heater under the glass, so that the heater conducts heat to the glass.

2. Heating time and temperature control

In the process of glass heating, time and temperature control is very critical. Too long heating time will lead to excessive softening of the glass, resulting in deformation or damage; heating temperature is too high will also cause damage to the glass. Therefore, glass bending machines are usually equipped with temperature sensors and timers to monitor and control the heating time and temperature to ensure the stability and accuracy of the heating process.

3. Bending shape design

After the glass is heated to a suitable softening state, the glass is bent by external force or mold. External force refers to the bending of glass by mechanical device or manual force, which is commonly used for bending relatively simple shapes. A mold, on the other hand, is a metal or ceramic structure that has the desired shape, and is used to maintain a specific shape by placing the heat-softened glass in the mold for cooling. The design and manufacture of the mold is an important part of the glass bending machine, and different shape requirements require the design of the appropriate mold.

4. Cooling

After the bending of the glass is completed, it needs to be cooled to maintain the desired shape. Cooling can be either natural or accelerated by a cooling device. Natural cooling is achieved by placing the glass in a ventilated environment and slowly lowering its temperature. Cooling devices, on the other hand, cool the glass by means of a medium such as water or air, which rapidly reduces the temperature of the glass and speeds up the cooling process.

5. Completion of Processing

After the cooling is completed, the glass heat bending machine will produce flexible bent glass that meets the requirements. These glasses can be used in various fields such as construction, furniture, vehicles, etc. to meet the needs of different occasions on the shape of the glass.

Overall, the glass bending machine realizes the flexible bending of glass through the processes of heating, bending and cooling. This bending technology can adapt the glass material to more application scenarios and provide more diversified design and shape options. At the same time, it is also important for improving glass processing efficiency and product quality.


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